Hawaii Health Ideas (HIHI) is a non-profit entity organized to develop, foster and promote health supportive programs in the State of Hawaii. HIHI is a locally based web-based placement facilitating service which brings together Care Seekers and Care Givers.
The process for locating long term care placement in Hawaii State certified Foster Homes and Care Home is a daunting and arduous task. Placement often relies on personal networks, word of mouth and old fashioned telephone calls to find an available bed. This lengthy process places tremendous stress on families and often delays hospital discharges, increases costs and impacts patient safety.
HIHI’s website enables a Care Seeker to find the ideal Care Provider based on a specific neighborhood, by private pay or Medicaid, the types of diets, amenities and activities offered by the provider, and other Provider services.
Your tax-deductible charitable donation will help HIHI further achieve its goals to reduce stress, frustration and time spent looking for placement for loved ones by families, social workers and case managers, decrease hospital and nursing home length of stay and assist care givers in keeping their beds occupied.
All donations received are acknowledged with our thanks, and a letter for your tax records.
Please follow the donate link to get started!